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Group 403
Group 418


Refocusing the value chain on customer success

By Anton Herbst, Chief Executive Officer Today, technology resellers, independent software vendors (ISVs) and systems integrators face a sophisticated mid-market customer who is...

Building partnerships for business success

By Tim Proome, Head of Supply Chain Today’s shopping revolution has fuelled unprecedented challenges for businesses looking to meet the ever-evolving demands of a digital world....

Warehouse innovation drives better customer experience

By Maria Bruyns, Warehouse Manager and Tim Proome, General Manager: Supply Chain Services Everything from proper inventory control to how you have your stock organised determines...

Smart warehousing is the foundation of modern supply chains

By Maria Bruyns, Warehouse Manager and Tim Proome, General Manager: Supply Chain Services The post-pandemic ecommerce revolution has created extraordinary challenges for companies...

How blockchain can build a transparent supply chain

Johannes Groenewald, General Manager: Demand Factory Blockchain for supply chain solutions helps supply chain leaders use big data and deep data visibility and accessibility to...

How AI and Automation are Impacting the Supply Chain

By Tim Proome The supply chain (SCM) has evolved dramatically since the global COVID-19 pandemic sent the world online, and users adopted online ordering at an unprecedented pace....

Supply Chain Management For Tech Resellers

Every industry has its nuances and rhythm. Successful distribution companies are those who specialise in specific verticals. Tarsus has been spending the last few decades in...

Frequently Asked Questions About Supply Chain Management

With a history that spans over 35 years, Tarsus Distribution is the oldest technology distribution company in South Africa. Our industry-leading supply chain (SC) solutions,...

Supply Chain Solutions From Tarsus Distribution

Tarsus Distribution is the longest-standing IT distributor in Southern Africa and is responsible for supporting the shipping, logistics, and distribution of leading IT brands like...

How can SMB protect themselve from the growing threat of supply chain attacks

“Supply chains are fundamental to modern businesses, from courier services to construction companies, from small accounting firms to gardening services, every business has a...

Supply, demand and thrive

How to drive results during a global manufacturing shortage From a manufacturing perspective, the IT industry is in crisis. The demand for high-tech components is outnumbering...

5 Predictions for supply chain and logistics in 2022 and beyond

Supply chain companies have certainly had an interesting two years, with COVID-19 impeding movement of goods and people, causing shortages of key products and components, and...

Partner Portal Paves The Way For Business Success

The Tarsus Distribution Portal, which is available to our resellers, has proved to be a boon for both the company, our resellers, and their customers during the pandemic because...

3PL As A Solution For A Problem You Didn’t Know You Had

Flexibility and agility are critical in today’s business environment. This is particularly true for retailers looking to get ahead of the competition. More and more, this involves...

How Can You Turn Your Supply Chain Management Into A Competitive Advantage?

The best supply chain management strategies are adaptable and resilient, especially during times of disruption. By working with a third-party logistics (3PL) partner your business...

Why Outsource Your Supply Chain?

Tim Proome, General Manager of Supply Chain Services, Tarsus Distribution Supply chain visibility is critical to the success and continuity of every business. In today’s...

Covid-19 Lockdown - Tarsus Distribution Supply Chain Update

As the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) situation continues to evolve, the safety of our customers, our employees, our partners, and the Tarsus supply chain remains our primary concern....

Tarsus T-Bay: Retail Convenience For Busy Resellers

Resellers in the IT channel have very passionate customers who often need bread-and-butter items like printer cartridges and toners at the shortest possible notice. That’s why...