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11/09/2020 | Compute | HP

Discover How The HP Education Program Can Help You

Almost 90% of enrolled learners worldwide were affected by school closures to curb the spread of Covid-19. The repercussions of these instant decisions to close schools left teachers and students in a never before seen scurry to determine how to continue with the 2020 curricula through remote teaching. The HP Education Program aims to assist the education sector with education solutions in everyday life and unprecedented times, such as a global pandemic.

HP Education Program

Covered In This Article

What is the HP Education Program?
Exclusive student discounts
More information on rules and discounts

What is the HP Education Program?

The HP Education Program is committed to making education accessible to 100 million individuals by 2025 and subsequently improving learning outcomes for those individuals. To achieve this, members of this HP program benefit from dedicated online support, account management, and tailored products and bundles. In light of Covid-19 disruptions to the education sector, HP has carefully curated specialised resources to help schools and teachers with practical solutions for distance learning.

Exclusive student discounts through the HP® Education Store

Students with qualifying HP devices can register and receive the following membership benefits: 

  • A hassle-free buying experience through a simple purchase interface with dedicated support with the option to save both quotes and carts. 
  • A customised private environment that offers account management and tailored products and bundles.
  • Everyday discounts of up to 35% offer actual savings that might be even greater, and a full consumer and commercial online portfolio.


More information on rules and discounts

When signing up for the HP Education Program, note that there are specific Terms and Conditions to which participants first need to agree to when registering. Participation is subject to present and future program rules and is only valid at HP.com. Private discounts, promotions, and offers may only be earned and redeemed on participating products purchased on HP.com.

Should you be interested in rolling out the HP Education Program at your school or institution, contact our Tarsus Distribution team today.