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Group 403
Group 418

Tim Proome

Building partnerships for business success

By Tim Proome, Head of Supply Chain Today’s shopping revolution has fuelled unprecedented challenges for businesses looking to meet the ever-evolving demands of a digital world....

Smart warehousing is the foundation of modern supply chains

By Maria Bruyns, Warehouse Manager and Tim Proome, General Manager: Supply Chain Services The post-pandemic ecommerce revolution has created extraordinary challenges for companies...

How AI and Automation are Impacting the Supply Chain

By Tim Proome The supply chain (SCM) has evolved dramatically since the global COVID-19 pandemic sent the world online, and users adopted online ordering at an unprecedented pace....

Customer Service: How Fast Are You Able to Fulfill Customer Orders?

Customer service Tim Proome, General Manager of supply chain services, Tarsus Distribution What does it take to compete in a world where customer service is probably your most...

When Times Are Tough, Focus Less On Non-Core

The economic crisis unleashed by the outbreak of COVID-19 has hurt economies around the world. When times are tough, shedding non-core business processes is one of the most...