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Intel Xeon CPUs Are Paving The Way To The Future

Written by Tarsus Distribution | Jun 24, 2022 7:51:29 AM

Organisations of every size and in every sector are undergoing major changes as they digitally transform, to streamline operations, get product to market more rapidly, and improve customer service. New and exciting technologies are delivering more innovative services to businesses at a lower cost, and the potential of technology to be a real game-changer is greater than ever before.   

However, at the heart of all technological advancements, is computing power, which has been a critical factor in the advancement of technology since the birth of the first computers many decades ago. We have come from a time where a computer took up an entire room and had only a few megabytes of memory capable of simple maths, word processing, and the like, to the tiny yet massively powerful computers that handle complex algorithms, powering the cloud, AI, analytics and other emerging technologies. 

This power comes from the CPU or central processing unit, which can be likened to the brain of the computer, or the electronic circuitry that executes all the instructions and commands. CPUs are built by putting billions of microscopic transistors onto one, single computer chip. These transistors enable it to make the calculations it requires to run programs that are stored on the system’s memory. 

Powering digital transformation 

It is these CPUs that are powering real, transformational changes in the digital landscape, which is critical given how the last few years have highlighted the world’s total reliance on technology to remain operational. In fact, we have witnessed yearsworth of digital transformation crammed into only a few months, as organised rushed to adapt to the remote workforces driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

As entities in every vertical scrambled to enable work-from-home situations, there was a sharp  increase in the demand for virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), software-defined solutions, video conferencing and collaboration tools, and powerful cloud-computing. This is because massive workloads were migrated online, and users depended on these tools to communicate with their colleagues, partners, and customers. 

Today, these hybrid workforces have become the norm, and are seeing the already enormous volumes of data that enterprises have to store, process and analyse each day, growing exponentially larger. This too, is putting an additional burden on every organisation’s compute, network, and storage infrastructure, challenging their ability to deliver new technologies, such as big data analytics, the Internet of things, and AI. 

Moreover, all this data needs to be collected, stored and analysed using powerful AI and analytics tools to turn it into actionable insights that can have a meaningful impact on the business, and can help it bring to market the solutions that meet their customers’ evolving needs 

Business, IT agility 

Similarly, today business agility and IT agility go hand-in-hand, and technical must be able to respond rapidly to new and shifting business demands. It needs to be able to scale quickly to accommodate fluctuating workloads, accommodate business expansion, and do this in an instant. The ability to do this effectively is also directly linked to the processing power provided by the CPU. 

These factors are behind the need for CPUs that can modernise the server and network infrastructure and are optimised to handle the massive processing power needed by advanced applications and tools such as AI, analytics, big data, hybrid solutions and more.  

The better and more powerful the processor, the faster a machine can complete its tasks. Powerful processors help PCs to think and work much faster.  

Intel Xeon CPUs 

With this in mind, Intel recently updated its Xeon line of CPUs, processors which are built to meet the evolving needs of today’s businesses, as they bring unparalleled performance, and world-class flexibility.  Intel’s Xeon CPUs are balanced, optimised for any workload, and based on the company’s leading architecture that is known and trusted around the world. They deliver built-in AI acceleration and advanced security capabilities to help place workloads securely where they perform best, from the edge to the cloud, and everywhere in between. 

 Intel’s Xeon CPUs are designed to deliver reliable, scalable, workload-optimised performance, offering a balanced architecture, designed through decades of innovation for even today’s most in-demand workload requirements. Furthermore, through partnerships with software leaders around the world, these solutions are optimised for specific customer workload types and performance levels, all with the consistent, open architecture that Intel is renowned for.  

 Another great benefit is that Intel Xeon CPUs are optimised for cloud, enterprise, high-performance computing, network, security, and Internet of things workloads with between eight and 40 powerful cores and a wide variety of frequency, feature, and power levels. They are also charged with Intel Crypto Acceleration, which boosts data protection and privacy by enhancing the performance of encryption-intensive workloads such as secure socket layer (SSL) web serving, 5G infrastructure, and VPN and firewalls, while limiting any performance impact that is usually associated with pervasive encryption.  

Built-in AI acceleration 

For today’s modern enterprises, one of the most compelling benefits of the Intel Xeon range is that it is the only data centre CPU on the market that boasts built-in AI acceleration, the full spectrum of data science tools, an ecosystem of smart solutions. These CPUs are also engineered for the demands of cloud workloads and to enable a wide range of ‘everything-as-a-service’ or XaaS scenarios.  

Finally, Intel’s Xeon’s range of processors are based on a balanced, efficient architecture that increases core performance, memory, and input/output bandwidth to accelerate diverse workloads from the data centre all the way to the intelligent edge. They feature built-in workload acceleration capabilities, including Intel Deep Learning Boost, Intel Advanced Vector Extensions 512, and Intel Speed Select technology. 

To find out how Intel Xeon CPUs can transform your business, contact us today.