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Improving the learning experience for students and teachers

Written by Tarsus Distribution | Jan 19, 2023 9:10:07 AM

By Tarsus Distribution

For all organisations, digital transformation has become key to success, or even survival, as, over the past few years, businesses had to act quickly during the global pandemic, and move all their operations online.

In essence, digital transformation is about digitising and modernising systems. Operations are streamlined and more efficient, data is used more efficiently, and better business outcomes are generally achieved.

And many sectors have jumped on the bandwagon, using all the new tools available to transform their operations. Financial services, hospitality, healthcare, and retail have all been top adopters of digital transformation and have achieved tremendous benefits from their digital initiatives.

Covered in this article

The private education sector
A more connected ecosystem
A game changer
Improving teaching methods
A multi-faceted journey

The private education sector

However, although often overlooked, the education sector has benefited too. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, UNESCO estimates that  1.5 billion students  switched to online learning.

This could not have happened without digital transformation initiatives which made the process smooth and seamless, and ensured that students were able to carry on learning as normal.

Digital transformation in this sector has helped enhance the learning experience for learners and their students alike, through improved engagement and accessibility, as well as more customised and interactive classes.

A more connected ecosystem

For starters, by using cloud tools to help learners and educators access shared resources in real-time, and work on them collaboratively at any time, and from anywhere.

Remote learning has become a massive trend and opportunity for learners around the world. Today, they can attend the university or school of their choice, regardless of where it is located, and still study from home.

Cloud and online meeting tools such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom have enabled millions of students to carry on with their education, or start new courses they might not have been able to afford previously or not had the means to get there.

A game changer

One technology that has proved a real game changer for the private education sector, is artificial intelligence (AI). Through AI, teachers have been able to create custom study plans, evaluate the approximate student grade point average, and improve learner performance.

Moreover, AI can boost the effectiveness of teachers and help them to bring a better educational experience to their students. Automation also has a role to play too, as chatbots can be set up to answer frequently asked questions (FAQs), and the automation of back-office processes, have greatly streamlined this sector too.

Improving teaching methods

Analytics have also played a major role in the transformation of the private education sector. Collecting student grades, test results, and other information, in a single, unified online system enables educators to rapidly evaluate student performance, track their attendance, mark exams more rapidly, and keep an eye on what might need improving.

Furthermore, educational entities are charged with collecting and handling a lot of confidential data and student information. Through analytics, this information can be used to benefit these organisations, to highlight trends and patterns, that can improve teaching methods.

A multi-faceted journey

Digital transformation in the private education sector is multi-faceted, as these entities are constantly evolving, and changing with the times to meet student needs.

The benefits to date have been many. It has fuelled a culture of innovative teaching methods, driven greater interconnectedness between educators, learners, and parents. It has seen engagement increase too, as AI and other tools have driven a more interactive learning environment.

Finally, and most compellingly, it has lowered the barriers to entry, by improving accessibility, which has put education in the hands of far more learners.

Tarsus Distribution is uniquely positioned to empower the private education sector in their digital transformation journey by providing solutions around data storage, compute, printing, hyperconvergence, networking, and security. Contact our team today.